Ayushman Bharat is the National Health Protection Scheme. It would provide coverage of up to 5 lakh rupees per household year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization for over 10 crore poor and vulnerable families. There will be approximately 50 crore recipients. The RashtriyaSwasthyaBima Yojana (RSBY) and the Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme will be absorbed into the Ayushman Bharat hospital list – National Health Protection Mission. The central government currently funds both programs (SCHIS).
Ayushman Bharat Yojana 2023 Highlights
Name of the scheme
Ayushman Bharat Yojana
Initiated by
PM Narendra Modi
Who can avail of the benefits
Income group of less than 5 lakh
Official website
PM Ayushman Bharat Hospital List
Follow the procedures below to locate the Ayushman Bharat private hospital list to acquire information regarding the Ayushman Bharat hospital list:
● Please check out the Hospitals list area on the official website of the PMJAY.
● Choose both the state and the district that you live in.
● Determine whether you want to go to a private hospital that makes a profit or a private hospital that does not.
● Choose the area of medical expertise that interests you the most.
● After you have entered the “Captcha Code,” click the search button.
You will be taken to a list of hospitals participating in the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, complete with their addresses, websites, and other contact information.
Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Hospital List
● The National Health Protection Mission (Ayushman Bharat) will provide a defined benefit cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family year.
● A beneficiary covered by the scheme can get cashless benefits at any public or private hospital that is an empanelled provider, regardless of where in the country the beneficiary is located. The benefits of the scheme are portable across the country.
● The Ayushman Bharat – National Health Protection Mission will be an entitlement-based program, with eligibility for the program being determined by deprivation criteria inside the SECC database.
● The beneficiaries can receive benefits at either public or private institutions that have been approved.
● Payments for treatment will be made based on a package rate, which will be determined in advance by the government. This will help keep expenses under control.
● Cooperative federalism and flexibility for the states are fundamental tenets of the National Health Protection Mission (Ayushman Bharat), often known as Ayushman Bharat.
Those who live in more remote locations have access to the Ayushman Bharat hospital list of health coverage.
● Residents of households designated as belonging to a scheduled caste or tribe.
● Families with no adult male member between the ages of 16 and 59.
● People who are homeless depend on handouts to survive.
● Families with at least one member who is physically disabled and no members who are of adult age who are able-bodied.
● Landless households make their living by performing manual labor on an as-needed basis.
● Communities of primitive indigenous peoples
● Formerly enslaved people who were freed for legal reasons
● Families residing in makeshift homes consisting of a single room and lacking proper walls or roofs
● Families of manual scavengers
Who comes under PM Ayushman Bharat Yojana Urban?
Those who are eligible to participate in the program that the government sponsors are primarily comprised of the following in urban areas:
● Chowkidars and others who wash dishes
● Scrap metal collectors
● Mechanics, electricians, and repair workers
● Household workers
● Sanitation workers, gardeners, sweepers
● Artisans or craft workers, or tailors
● Services offered on sidewalks or streets by vendors such as cobblers, hawkers, and others
● People who work in the construction industry, such as plumbers, masons, construction workers, porters, welders, painters, and security guards
● Workers in the transportation industry, such as drivers, conductors, helpers, and people who pull carts or rickshaws
● Assistants, peons in smaller establishments, delivery boys, shopkeepers, and wait, staff
Diseases covered under Ayushman Bharat Scheme
● Prostate cancer.
● Double valve replacement.
● Bypass graft of the coronary arteries.
● COVID-19.
● Surgery to replace the pulmonary valve.
● Skull base surgery.
● Fixation of the anterior spine.
● Laryngopharyngectomy combined with a pull-up of the stomach.
How to Check Ayushman Bharat Scheme Online?
You can search pmjay.gov.in to check Ayushman Bharat Scheme Online. It is the official government website. You can also find the Ayushman Bharat Hospital list and Ayushman Bharat Private hospital list.
Ayushman Bharat Hospital list Jaipur
Ayushman Bharat Yojana List of Hospitals related FAQs