Common Seasonal Diseases and How to Stay Safe
Winter is the best time to stay indoors in a warm comfortable environment while hot drinks are enjoyed with family and friends. However, this season is also filled with uncertainties as the chances of viral infections are high. Winters are notorious for their long list of diseases, which affect everyone. Winter seasonal illnesses include the common cold and severe pneumonia, which turns out to be one of the most common diseases to catch. It affects our daily life. Therefore, it is worth to look after ourselves every day.Â
Types of Diseases
Everyone looks forward to winters but we forget that it comes along with some of the most common and harsh diseases. If these winter seasonal diseases are not cured, they can turn into something worse.
Common Cold
One of the most irritating yet common illnesses during cold periods is the common cold which is mostly caused by viruses like rhinoviruses. It is relatively mild but can be weakening and annoying at the same time. The most common cold involves a runny nose or a stuffy nose, a sore throat, sneezing, cough, fever, and overall body discomfort. The cold can easily be transmitted through droplets in the air or by contact from contaminated objects, which is why most illness caused due to viruses affects most people.
In order to avoid colds you can:
- Wash always your hands with soap and water.
- Maintain a distance from people who are sick.
- Eat well and exercise so that your body’s defense mechanism remains at a good level.
In case of a cold, you can simply take enough rest, drink fluids, and use some over-the-counter medicines that alleviate cold symptoms.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
RSV is a respiratory virus commonly found in everyone. It generally begins as a viral infection with cold symptoms but can progress to serious respiratory conditions. In severe cases, nasal congestion, cough, wheezing, low-grade fever sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath may suggest RSV presence. The RSV virus is very contagious and can be spread via direct contact with infected surfaces or being close to someone infected.
To avoid getting RSV, one should take precautions such as:
- Wash hands regularly.
- Refrain from using the same cutlery or towels, or other personal belongings.
- Limit exposure to busy venues.
In most instances, hydration, rest, and humidifiers coupled with other forms of home nursing will assist in the alleviation of symptoms. Where there are extremes, oxygen therapy and other such procedures may be employed. If sufficient precautions are taken, both the common cold and RSV can be avoided allowing you to Savor a comfortable winter.
Influenza (Flu)
Influenza or the flu is a seasonal disease in winter. It ranges in severity from mild to severe and in some cases, can result in complications such as pneumonia. The flu is often associated with a sudden spike in temperature and chills, along with general tiredness, body aches, sore throat, dry cough and mild to severe nasal discharge or a blocked nose. The disease influenza is caused by the influenza virus and it is often transmitted by the person’s cough, sneeze or saliva, or even by contact with infected surfaces. It is essential that measures are taken in order to prevent further spread of the flu. Getting an annual flu vaccine is the best option. Other methods are constant washing of hands while avoiding close contact with sick people.
Croup refers to a condition of the respiratory system that is common in children of the age group between two to five years. Its hallmark is a distinct loud, barking cough and can be associated with difficulty in breathing often due to viral infection. The common viral agent is the parainfluenza virus, which is responsible for laryngeal, tracheal, and bronchial inflammation. Therefore, it is wise to adopt measures against contracting croups which in many cases is through close engagements with sick people and dirty hands. This may also include keeping children warm in cold weather conditions. Such patients with croup and cough who are mild may be left to manage their illness at home by drinking fluids, etc. using a cool-mist machine humidifier and taking available medications in pharmacies. If circumstances get worse, medications may be required especially if there are presenting signs and symptoms of airways swelling and breathing difficulties.
Pneumonia is a lung disease caused by an infection in the lungs caused by bacteria, virus or fungi and which can sometimes be life threatening. The disease is especially at risk in the very young children and old people; or people with weakened immunity. This disease in winter brings pain in the chest while breathing or coughing, Difficulty in breathing, Fever with chills and Cough with sputum are some common symptoms. This can be brought about due to Bacterial infection, Viral infections and Fungal infections. For prevention, vaccinations for both the influenza and the pneumococcal bacteria and avoiding cigarette smoke in a very sensitive manner is recommended. Treatment, thus, depends on its cause: bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics, viral pneumonia with antiviral medications, and fungal infections with antifungal drugs. Nevertheless, severe cases require hospitalization.
Strep Throat
This winter seasonal illness is a bacterial infection that leads to a sore throat accompanied by swelling of the tonsils. This is usually frequent in winters due to high chances of close contacts indoors. Signs of this disease contracted during the winter season include severe sore throat, Painful swallowing, Red and swollen tonsils, Fever and swollen lymph nodes. This disease can occur due to Streptococcus pyogenes which is a bacteria and is commonly spread through respiratory droplets or Sharing of food and drinks. This, however, can be easily eliminated by taking precautions such as sneezing or coughing into the palm to avoid exposure of the mouth, wahsing the hands and exposure of mouth to other people when eating or sharing the utensils. Patients are often treated with penicillin or amoxicillin. The pain can be alleviated by taking some pain relievers and using warm salt water gargles.
Gastroenteritis is defined as an inflammation of the stomach and intestine which may result in excessive loss of fluids and electrolyte abnormalities. The common signs and symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, mild fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain or cramps. Most cases are caused by infections with viruses such as the Norwalk virus or consumption of contaminated food, water or touching contaminated surfaces. In order to prevent gastroenteritis, it is crucial to wash hands prior to meals and after restroom use, avoid the consumption of tainted food or water, and practice proper sanitation when preparing foods. Most of the cases are self-limiting and are managed by bed rest and hydration, with the use of oral rehydration solution if necessary.
Sinusitis is defined as the inflammation of the sinonasal cavities. It is usually caused by a common cold phenomenon or allergies. Occurs due to facial pain and pressure and a lot of other symptoms; such as: nasal obstruction, thick mucopurulent discharge, headaches, and facial pain or pressure. Most of the sinus cavities infections occur due to viruses, but in some rare occasions also bacteria or some allergy substance. Treatment for this condition is the use of humidifiers to moisten the sterile nasal passages to prevent further inflammation, treat the cold as soon as possible, and avoid any substances known to trigger allergies. There are usually no complications or the need for specific treatment for Viral sinusitis, as it is mild and self resolving. However for bacterial sinusitis the term does correlate with multi bacterial infections, and thus antibiotics may need to be used.
Winter seasonal diseases may sometimes be minor nuisances to serious diseases of the body, but many of these can be avoided or treated properly. However diagnostic and treatment of any winter ailment should be done as early as possible so as to prevent any complications. At CKS Hospital, we provide complete management of all the diseases included in winter illness. Our high-tech facilities and qualified medical specialists are able to timely and properly treat a common cold or even pneumonia, no matter how severe its course is. Always remember to keep yourself updated regarding the diseases that are rampant during the winter season and take appropriate measures so that your health is not affected during the winter season.