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A Guide to 10 Most Common Orthopedic Surgeries

Does knee pain slow down your walks or a sore shoulder limit your hobbies? Orthopedic surgery can be the key to regaining your mobility and living an active life. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of orthopedic surgery, from common conditions it treats to the top 10 most frequently performed orthopedic surgeries in Jaipur. We’ll break down each surgery, explaining its purpose and helping you understand if it might be right for you. Finally, discover how CKS Hospital can be your partner in achieving pain relief and optimal joint health. Let’s get started!

What Is Orthopedic Surgery?

The foundation of a healthy, active life lies in a well-functioning musculoskeletal system – the complex network of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that allows us to move. Orthopedic surgery is a medical speciality dedicated to addressing issues within this system.
Orthopedic surgeons are experts in diagnosing, treating, and preventing a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. They utilize a variety of techniques, including surgery and non-surgical methods, to address:

  • Trauma: Fractures, sprains, strains
  • Degenerative diseases: Arthritis, osteoporosis
  • Sports injuries: Torn ligaments, meniscus tears
  • Congenital conditions: Birth defects affecting the bones and joints
  • Infections: Bone infections
  • Tumors: Benign and malignant growths in the musculoskeletal system

What are the Common Conditions That Require Orthopedic Surgery?

The musculoskeletal system endures a lot of wear and tear throughout our lives. While minor aches and pains are common, some conditions can significantly impact your mobility and quality of life. Here are some frequent issues that may necessitate orthopedic surgery:

  1. Arthritis: Both osteoarthritis (wear-and-tear) and rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease) can cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints. Surgery can help repair damage, improve joint function, and manage pain.
  2. Fractures: Broken bones, especially in weight-bearing joints like the hip or knee, often require surgery for proper healing and alignment.
  3. Torn Ligaments: Ligaments connect bones and provide stability. Tears, especially in the knee (ACL, MCL) or shoulder, can significantly impact joint function and may require surgical repair.
  4. Meniscus Tears: The meniscus is a cartilage cushion within the knee joint. Tears can cause pain, locking, and instability, potentially requiring surgical repair.
  5. Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff stabilizes the shoulder joint. Tears in these tendons can limit movement and cause pain, sometimes requiring surgery for repair.
  6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Compression of a nerve in the wrist can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand. Surgery can create more space for the nerve, alleviating symptoms.

Top 10 Most Common Orthopedic Surgeries

Now that we’ve explored common musculoskeletal conditions, let’s delve into the top 10 frequently performed orthopedic surgeries:

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

This procedure replaces a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee using a tendon graft. It’s common for athletes or those with significant knee instability.

Knee Replacement Surgery

When severe arthritis damages the knee joint, a prosthesis (artificial joint) replaces the worn surfaces, alleviating pain and improving mobility.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Similar to knee replacement, this surgery replaces a damaged shoulder joint with a prosthesis to restore function and reduce pain.

Hip Replacement Surgery

This procedure replaces a worn-out hip joint with an artificial one, offering significant pain relief and improved mobility for individuals with severe hip arthritis.

Knee Arthroscopy

This minimally invasive technique uses a camera and small instruments inserted through tiny incisions to diagnose and treat knee problems like meniscus tears or cartilage damage.

Shoulder Arthroscopy

Similar to knee arthroscopy, this procedure allows surgeons to diagnose and treat shoulder issues like rotator cuff tears or bursitis using a minimally invasive approach.

Ankle Repair

This surgery addresses various ankle problems like fractures, ligament tears, or cartilage damage, restoring stability and function to the joint.

Spinal Surgeries

This broad category encompasses various procedures to address spinal issues like disc herniation, spinal stenosis, or fractures. The specific surgery depends on the underlying condition.

Joint Fusion

In cases of severe arthritis or instability, fusing two bones can provide long-term pain relief and stability. This surgery is typically performed on joints like the spine, ankle, or wrist.

Trigger Finger Release

This procedure addresses a condition where a finger gets stuck in a bent position. The surgeon releases the thickened tissue around the tendon, allowing the finger to straighten freely.


Now that you have a better understanding of orthopedic surgery, you can approach potential procedures with more confidence. Remember, early diagnosis and consulting a qualified orthopedic surgeon from best orthopedic hospital in Jaipur are crucial for optimal outcomes.

Get the Best Orthopedic Surgeries Done at CKS Hospital

CKS Hospital is a leading multispecialty hospital in Jaipur with a dedicated Centre of Excellence in Orthopaedics. Our team of highly skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons utilizes the latest technology and minimally invasive techniques whenever possible to deliver exceptional care. Whether you require complex fracture repair, joint replacement surgery, or minimally invasive arthroscopy, CKS Hospital offers a comprehensive range of orthopedic services. Our commitment to personalized care ensures you receive the right treatment for a faster, more effective recovery, allowing you to return to your active lifestyle with confidence.
Contact CKS Hospital today to schedule a consultation and discuss your orthopedic needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Orthopaedic Surgery

What Are the Most Common Orthopedic Surgeries?

Most common orthopedic surgeries include knee and hip replacements, spinal fusion, and ACL reconstruction.

What injuries require orthopedic surgery?

Severe fractures, torn ligaments, and degenerative joint diseases often require orthopedic surgery.

Which is the more painful surgery, knee or hip?

Pain levels vary, but knee replacements tend to cause more immediate discomfort than hip replacements.

What happens before orthopedic surgery?

Pre-surgery involves medical assessments, discussions with the surgeon, and preparations like fasting.

How long does it take to schedule orthopedic surgery?

Orthopedic surgery scheduling depends on factors like urgency, surgeon availability, and hospital resources.

What happens during orthopedic surgery?

During surgery, the orthopedic surgeon repairs or replaces damaged bones, joints, or tissues.

What are the advantages of orthopedic surgery?

Orthopedic surgery can restore mobility, alleviate pain, and improve the overall quality of life.

What are the risks or complications of orthopedic surgery?

Risks include infection, blood clots, nerve damage, and adverse reactions to anesthesia or implants.

What is the recovery time for orthopedic surgery?

Recovery times vary but may range from weeks to months, depending on the procedure and individual factors.

When can I continue my regular activities after surgery?

Resuming regular activities post-surgery depends on healing progress, rehabilitation, and surgeon recommendations.

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